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PIXMA MG2920 - won't print 8.5x11 pages with a full image bakground


I'm using Publisher 2016 to design a flyer. When I try to print it, the MG2920 won't print the full 8.5x11 flyer. It cuts off the bottom (portrait)/right-end (landscape) half inch. If I adjust the margins to anything less than half an inch, it will respect the margins for top, left, and right, in portait orientation, but will stop printing at 10.5 inches. Same in landscape.


Even if I don't use an image. I made a document in Word 2016, and typed a line of pipe characters ( | ) across. I copied that line the whole way down the document. At the end line, I type two hyphens ( - ) instead. That line DOES NOT print. It does not even show up in the print preview. 


This is a major flaw that needs addressed. If one can't even print a full page document with this printer, it's a waste of money!


And before you say "try another driver" or whatever, here's what I've done so far:


 - uninstall the entire driver package, along with all associated Canon files.

 - run all Windows updates (currently on latest x64 Windows 10 Fall Creators Update)

 - download full Canon driver package (which is out-dated...)

 - delete and recreate all 8.5x11 related forms in printer server properties.



I'm technology support where I work, and handle all of our printer operations, so I can safely say I've tried everything. Even on android, it is stopping at 10.5 inches. I'm thinking hardware limitation? If I print to PDF, the PDF looks fine, and it prints from PhantomPDF and from Publisher to my HP Envy 4500 fine.



Hi mattgyver,


If you are setting a stapling side, an additional margin will be added.  Remove the stapling side option for a larger printing area.


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I'm having the same issue! Were you able to fix it??


Hi mattgyver,


If you are setting a stapling side, an additional margin will be added.  Remove the stapling side option for a larger printing area.


This didn't answer your question or issue? Please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for further assistance.


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There isn't a stapling side option that I can see. Plus, it's always at the portrait-oriented bottom, or landscape-oriented right, which is the end of the document/paper.


I'm having the same issue! Were you able to fix it??

No, I haven't been able to fix it, no matter what options I mess with. At this point, I'm going to go back to using my HP Envy printer. At least I know I can do edge-to-edge printing with it....

Well that's disappointing. Thanks!

Well that's disappointing. Thanks!

Tell me about it.... I liked the PIXMA otherwise, but when I'm trying to print flyers for cub scouts and the bottom always gets cut off, it's not usable..


No solution means design flaw...
