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My new Canon printer switches off when idle. Is this normal?


my printer swiches off when idle - is this normal?



Most likely, yes, it is normal.  Printers go into a standy mode to save power, and some models can be set to turn themselves off after an extended period of standby.  Check your instruction manual for how to review your settings.


If you continue to have questions, it might be best to post your question in one of the "Printer" forums.  You should see a link named "Printer" near the top of the forum page, just below "canoncommunity".

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I seem me to remember reading that I just need to click 'print' to rewaken the idle printer but I can't find where I read this information. I tried it but I had to go to the office to manually switch the printer back on. 

Is this a remotely located printer, not on your local LAN?  What model is it?  How is it connected to you?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Pixma wireless. Bought it yesterday. Scans prints copies. Can print from other devices. 

Okay.  Like I said, check your instruction manual for your desired "power savings mode" settings.  You may also need to set up your LAN so that the printer is always assigned a fixed IP address.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

You may also wish to contact Canon directly, if this is urgent.


" If you need additional assistance with this issue, find more help at Contact Us. "

"Enjoying photography since 1972."