My Canon MX 890 will not print.


Canon MX 890 makes all the appropriate noises like it IS printing. Ink cartitridges are sufficiently full. I checked another forum question and verified my IP address that the LAN connection and strength is 59% and 62% respectfully. I was unable to verify the gateway (?) address as I do not have the user name or password.





Hi, jtparkey!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know the version of Windows or Mac in use.

If this is a time-sensitive matter, our US-based technical support team is standing by, ready to help 24/7 via Email at or by phone at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) weekdays between 10 AM and 10 PM ET (7 AM to 7 PM PT).

Thanks and have a great day!

Windows 7 Home Premium


Hi jtparkey,


I would ilke to have you print a nozzle check pattern from the printer to see if the inkjet nozzles are dispensing the ink correctly.  To do this, please follow the steps located at the link below:


Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern


Did the nozzle check pattern print correctly, including the black grid that appears above the colors?


If this is a time-sensitive matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

I have done all this and it still will not print.  it sounds like it is doing everything right, but thr page is blank.

Hi stets4,


Because performing cleanings did not get your PIXMA MX892 to print, it may require service.


Please contact our support group using the following link:
