My Cannon MG 5320 will not communicate wirelessly with my Acer Aspire laptop for one week.


Both my Acer Aspire laptop and MG5320 show that they are picking up my wireless signal, but the two are not communicating with each other. I tried to re-install the printer, but this has not solved the issue. Please let me know what else I can do. Thanks



Hi Toddfamily!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know the computer operating system you're using (Windows XP/Vista/7/8 or Mac 10.x). Any error messages or other details you'd like to give will also help the Community better understand your issue.

Thanks and have a great day!

I have Windows 7, and the most frequent message is that "the Printer is not responding"


Hi toddfamily,


To try and resolve the issue, you will want to ensure that the printer has proper wireless communication occurring.  Please ensure the following:

 1.  The access point is located indoors within the effective range for wireless communication.  Locate the printer within 50 meters of the access point.

 2.  There are no obstructions.  Wireless communication between different rooms or floors is generally poor.  Adjust the location of the devices if needed.

 3.  There are no sources of radio wave interference in your vicinity.  There may be a device such as a microwave oven using the same frequency bandwidth as the wireless station.  Place the wireless devices as far away from the interference source as possible.

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