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Macbook Air prints to upper cassette on PIXMA MX922


Macbook Air previously printed ok on PIXMA MX922 but now it's not working, it always goes to upper (small) paper casette, and can't figure out how to adjust the settings.


Printer is set up wireless and works fine. However, I'm a little confused about the setup. When I installed the software on my Windows machine, it showed up as a Canon MX920 series FAX WS, not sure why it's FAX and not printer, also what does  MX mean ? 

Canon MX 922 FAX.PNG


The printer/fax shows up as three options when printing:

Canon MX920 series FAX WS

- Canon MX920 series Printer WS

- Canon MX 920 series Printer


So I always have to choose Printer because FAX is default.


But why is Macbook Air ending up on the upper cassette ? How can I fix this.



I checked the properties on my Windows machine, it says it prints to the lower cassette by default. However, the drop-down for paper source only has one option - "Cassette", which begs the question - how would I choose the upper (photo) cassette ?

Hi williampeck1958,


The upper cassette only handles small sized photo paper such as 4" x 6" and 5" x 7".  If you select this size paper, then the upper cassette can be used.





Ok, I'll try selecting the paper sizes and see what happens.


Also, I think I need to re-install the printer on my Windows machine. I don't understand why the printer is listed as the FAX MS. Previous to this printer, I had another MX922, and after installation, I had two devices - the FAX and the Printer. Now I only have one - the FAX, whic

Hi, williampeck1958!


It sounds like you were about to ask another question, but your statement appears to be incomplete.  Please let us know if you still need help and the Canon Community will be happy to provide it.


Thanks for choosing Canon!
