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MX922 scanning


I have converted to Mountain Lion and have loaded the new scanner driver.  However, with Lion when I scanned a multipage document, the scanner software kept it together as one document.  Now it is coming out as separate pages and I have to set up folders for them to keep them together.  How do I change the settings to have multipage scans stay together?


@asergi wrote:

Hi Michael.  Can you please confirm whether there's been any change to this?  Can the MX922 now use MP Navigator EX?  It says in the specs for the MX922 that it can, but I still have no luck. (see note #9 . . . ).


If not, is there ANY way that support for the MX922 can be added to MP Navigator EX software??  The software's ability to display multiple thumbnails as you go is a wonderful, excellent and vital feature not present in the ScanGear software.  Having to wait until you go to save the file before seeing the scans is not very useful at all. 


Thank you.



Brilliant new feature, huh?


I will not be buying another Canon printer--or anything else made by Canon.


I wasted hours and hours to find out that I had wasted my money on the Canon MX922.


What is the point of making a new model printer that does not run the existing software?


"Not very useful at all" is the understatement of the decade.


I can think of far more acerbic terms for this mess.


@SallyH499 wrote:

I just bought the MX922 because I wanted a printer scanner that worked with the MP Navigator software that I loved with my MP530 - agree with poster abovet that it is really nice scanning software and I assumed the Navigator was just the standard software that came with all of your all in one scanners.  Now that I am reading this bad news, I will likely return the MX922 and buy the HP all in one that is on sale at Costco because there is no advantage without the MP Navigator software.  😞

And I am also very angry that I had to retire a perfectly good machine (MP 530) because Canon doesn't support the drivers on Yosemite but I digress.



I nominate this change for the prize of "Most Counterproductive Software Innovation of the Decade."


It seems like companies that produce software and machines dependent on it have an inexhaustible supply of ideas that defeat the consumers' main purposes for buying the products.

I wish the Canon Corp. would stop doing things like this.


@SallyH499 wrote:

Yes, tell CAnon to get with it and update Navigator to work with all your scanners!  The software was the best part!

Do you s'pose Canon wants us to stop buying its products?




If someone there said at the meeting where this change was approved, "Let's try to alienate as many loyal customers as possible," I would understand.


Other than this purpose, there is no rational purpose for making the MX922 incompatible with the MP Navigator.



@proctorsurf wrote:
SERIOUSLY?! This is the worst possible move Canon could make!

My sentiments exactly.


I can think of about ten inappropriate acronyms to insert here, but I'll just buy a different brand.


Maybe I'll buy something on sale now and just trash my Canon printers now.


I just purchased the Pixma MX922. I have not been able to scan using the on device keypad. I have to open my "devices and printers" box and chose scan. Then when I do that it will not scan multiple pages and pdf is not even an option. I did check the scanner settings and the problem can not be fixed there either. Not sure what to do. This was the problem I kept having with my previous Canon (MX 360), and the reason I upgraded. I just wish the tech would work properly. 



While new to this forum, I'm probably one of the longer and more prolific users of Canon multi-function printers with the latest and best being the MX 860 and MX 870 which I've recently upgraded to two new MX922 machines while continuing to keep the others in full operation in different locations of the U.S. My only problem with the MX922_RV machines is the lack of the excellent MP Navigator EX scanning software for the MX 920 series machines that has allowed me and others in my company to be super efficient at converting all of our paper records, old and current, to easily searchable digital records. Not only are we a much more efficient organization, but we are eliminating dozens of legal file cabinets and saving trees by not having to make paper copies of antiquated paper documents. Canon, your business decision to no longer support upgrading your excellent MP Navigator software for the MX 920 and probably later series is a very poor one and I suspect will cause a slow but continuous migration away from what otherwise have been outstanding, good performance, and long lasting Canon multi-function printers / scanners / copiers and fax machines.

I believe it is in your best interest to announce and quickly deliver on continuous upgrades to your excellent MP Navigator that so many of us have trained ourselves and our employees to use with ease and high proficency. Unfortunately, "My Image Garden" and "IJ Scan Utility" are not anywhere close to being acceptable substitutes with the former being a training, gimiky nightmare even if it had the powerful, yet simple scanning capability and features of MP Navigator, which it does not have.



How can I password protect a document scanned through my new MX922? I was able to do so with MP Navigator EX, but I can't find how to do it with IJ Scan Utility.  Please help!!

No disrespect intended but...... the Canon IJ Scan Utility and the My Image Garden programs suck. As the previous person posted, they are a step backwards. They're not intuitive. Please, please, PLEASE, Canon, give us back the MP Navigator EX program. I bough G4200 and MX922 and I'm about ready to return them tot he sotre and buy a used MX870.... located FIVE HOURS AWAY. Seriously... I can't deal with these new programs and my business productivity is suffering as a result.

I know this is an old thread. But I was trying to scour the internet looking for the same solution to this problem and was surprised to see that it hasn't been fixed or no one has made a workaround. Tried to use the scan utility or whatever and it wasn't cutting it for me.


Anyways, I used what little programming skills I had and basically made a device profile for the MP Navigator software for it to work. I used the MX870 series file as a base since that was the last MX printer to support MP Nav. I only did basic testing with default settings and it works so far. Looks like I can use the scanner driver (scan gear) if I want more advanced settings and it'll output it directly to the navigator still. I can now scan multiple pages and actually pick the ones I want to save into a PDF.


The only thing that I found that doesn't work is the order that it's displayed when scanned (when trying to change it in the settings). It pretty much just goes the order it was scanned in. You can just put the documents facing up to go in order, or just organize it on the timeline thing at the bottom of MP Nav I guess.



I have only tested this with MP Navigator EX 5.0 (the one that show for download for my previous printer, MG6220). In theory, it should work with MP Navigator 3.1 or whatever comes with the MX870 considering that was where the source file was located.


Here's the file for anyone that wants to give it a try:

<Link Removed Per Forum Guidelines>


You want to put it in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\MP Navigator EX 5.0\Device

Then when you open MP Nav, you want to open preferences and on the general tab select MX920 for the printer.



On another note, ADF duplex takes forever to scan for me. Is that normal? This was like this when I was using the stock utility. If anything, using the MP Nav seems to be slightly faster, but I still consider it to be slow compared to my old printer.



crap, posted in the wrong thread, but I guess it applies here too?
