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MX920 4x6 Landscape Printing Issues


This is kind of an FYI to those out there who are probably looking for the same answer I was and got to the point where I used to be and got half a solution to. But perhaps someone has a resolution for part of it?

So you want to print out a 4x6 photo with the pretty Glossy II paper included in your new MX920 printer you just unpacked out of the box. Typically, this would be the first thing anyone would print as because you have the photo paper handy in the kit.
You put it in the tray you finally figured it goes into, set it at 4x6, and open the included 'My Image Garden' software for easy printing. You choose your image and 'Landscape full picture'  and... the printer eats your papers... and tells you its tray is empty.

But... where did the papers go? And why doesnt it show as a paper jam?
Then you need to open the BACK of the printer, take out the gray tube thing and look! There they are hiding from you AND the printer... heh. Sneaky Paperses.

Something the manual does NOT tell you, is that you cannot load it LANDSCAPE in the tray. The 4x6 glossy paper must go in portrait lengthwise, glossy side down The picture on the manual is literally a square paper to show you what you are supposed to do, so yes it's okay that you were confused since this is not addressed in the manual or troubleshooting.

When I put in the paper longwise, it printed my picture landscape on portrait.. -_-


So half my image was cut off.
I finally broke down after searching the internet and finding this forum, and called customer support.

Do you want to know what he told me?
"Well, 'My Image Garden' is not my first choice for printing with. I have a better choice for you to download from the drivers' page." I explained I dont really want 40 different easy print applications on my computer, I already have Photoshop and inquired if 'My Image Garden ' was non functioning.  He said, "Well not really non functioning just not the best software."
I asked if I was able to print landscape from the software at all and he reverted me back to downloading this other software, again.
The software he reccomended was not included in my set up disk, and now looking at everything, all the software via the disk and drivers are outdated and need updating.


There is no automated version detector, so the burden is on YOU to figure out if its outdated. This printer came out in 2013 - a lot goes on in three years.

So I am now downloading this other software, and a newer version of 'My Image Garden' along with all the other drivers because I have a challenge in front of me and I refuse to lose. I seriously doubt they released this software without the ability to print landscape? Here is the drivers page,

Either way the partial picture was beautiful quality.


Product Expert
Product Expert



The paper jam issue will have to be resolved by our technical support group.  Contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for more assistance with this matter.


Regarding My Image Garden.  The program sets the orientation based on the dimensions of the image.  If you wished to manually change the orientation between portrait or landscape you would have to use a different program that allows you to change the orientation of the image before printing.


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