MG5420 -- I am unable to make it print onto a DVD label. Help!


This is stupid. I installed the printer MG5420 onto my iMac and it prints great. I can print from my Mac using only WiFi and I can print via AirPrint on my iPhones/iPad, etc. I have Disc editing software that can print directly onto DVD labels and every time I send it to print to the MG5420, the printer tells me to close the tray! The tray has to be open when there's a disc in there!! This is stupid. I can't select any options from the print dialog box to make it select a different kind of media. The only options are "Auto Select"....


Furthermore, I went to MY IMAGE GARDEN to attempt to print a test disc label from it and it says, "Cannot print because a printer supported by this software is not installed." SERIOUSLY? Is this the dumbest software ever? I can print from every application on my iMac except the one that came with the printer??? There are no settings to allow me to select the printer and I've verified using the Canon Network Tool that the printer is installed correctly and available on the network.


Someone tell me what is going on here. Why can't I print on a DVD label????


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello apostlepd.


Please try downloading the latest CUPS printer driver, scanner driver and Image Garden versions from our website at the following link:


If you continue to have difficulties, feel free to call us at 1-800-OKCANON for additional assistance.

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It wasn't the drivers. It was the fact that the printer requires a connection via USB in order to print on discs. Now I personally find this absolutely absurd and also think that this SHOULD HAVE BEEN STATED IN THE MANUAL. However, now my problem is solved. 


Please consider adding to the owners manuals that the printer WILL NOT print on discs if it is not connected via USB. The wireless function is for nornal printing only. That would probably be very good information to give to your users.


Otherwise, I am very pleased with this printer.

Hey i'm having the same issue. i have everything installed and updated but even plugging the usb cable to connect the printer and computer doesn't help. is there something i'm missing?

Are you on Windows or Mac? You might still be accessing the printer over your wireless connection even when it's connected via USB. Make sure you uninstalled the wireless version of the printer and installed it while it was plugged in (windows thing). If you're on a Mac it should have switched itself over to USB. Check your printers screen to see how it's set up.

I'm using MG6330 so sorry anything can be a bit different, but just wanted to share my experience and I think this thread is the best fit as far as I've found.

I'm successfully able to print on my dvd via wifi from Mac 10.9. Key was to find the printer on the OS by using Canon's CUPS driver instead of finding it by Mac's Bonjour protocol.

On a Mac you need to install the printer again using the generic driver for your particular series (see the link to the discussion on the Apple support site:

If the link doesn't work go to apple support and type in "Printing cannot be executed because a printer supported by this software is not installed". That will take you to the right place.