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I really need help setting up this MX 922 wirelessly


All I owned in the past are cannons.  I get them because of the wireless function.  This printer cannot work wirelessly and I have tons of ink purchased to use it. 1- I cannot find the tiny blue button anywhere.

2- all the information for my wireless and password are added into the printer and the printer is detecting the wireless connection but when I install it, the installation is not detecting it.  All my other printers detected it in the past.

I have owned this printer for years now and have not been able to use it wirelessly but I really would like to use it for homework.

Can you help me make this printer print wirelessly?



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi anatalos1,


Please note, Canon's Forum is not intended for immediate help, but a place to allow for the Community to give you assistance and feedback. For assistance with getting your PIXMA MX922 working wirelessly with your computer, please use the link below to reach our friendly Technical Support Team:
