I have a Canon Pixma MP830. It was printing normally today - then i got the error message that the


I have a Canon Pixma MP 830.  It was printing normally today, then I got the error message :the printer head is incorrect, replace with the correct printer head.  Ideas?





To try and resolve the error, please remove and reseat all of the ink tanks and print head in the printer, then turn off the printer, unplug the power cord from the back and leave it out for at least 10 minutes, then plug it back in and turn it back on.  If the error continues, the printer will require servicing.  Please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page to obtain your servicing options.

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I did all of that.  The error message went away - but it now prints completely balnk pages.  I've tried to print numerous doucuments and the ink jet test page and it spits out a completely blank page each time.  Ideas?



You can try performing a series of cleanings and deep cleanings on the printer to try and get the ink to print.  To do this, please follow the steps located here.  We recommend performing at least one cleaning and two deep cleanings.  If the pages still come out blank after performing the cleanings, the printer will require servicing; please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page to obtain your servicing options.

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MP830 Print Head Error message: LogOnFixIt.com = Solution for you out there with nothing to lose. . .

We fixed it!!


  1. I removed the $60 cartidges 😕 
  2. Lifted lever on the left and then removed the print head holder. It has contacts on the rear.
  3. Put it in the sink drain and sprayed hot water on it until the color stop flowing.
  4. Use paper towel to absorb excess water (dried it off)
  5. Put it back in the printer and installed the same cartridges i removed and SUCCESS!!

We are not an authorized Canon Repair center...  this is only our experience after months of no solution. We went out a bought an Epson Work Force 3620 because of there Best of the Best rating on a website review page. And then as I was going to unhook my favorite Canon printer for years and years we've reomended printer to hunders of clients, i thought we have nothing to lose at this point and tried this method before i threw it in the trash. and it worked..  STOKED now back to walmart to return the Epson...  




