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How do I print ONLY with the black pigment ink tank? Canon TS9020, Mac OS 10.13.3


I have searched the forums but don't find instructions for my printer to print only with the black pigment ink.


Thanks for any helpful suggestions!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi springazure,


The PIXMA TS9020 will use color ink tanks to print colored text. Even if the grayscale option is checked in the printer driver, if the original text is in a color other than black, the PIXMA TS9020 will combine the cyan, magenta and yellow ink tanks together to make a composite black.


To use only the black ink tank, the original text must be black and the paper setting must be set to Plain Paper.



Hi springazure,


The PIXMA TS9020 will use color ink tanks to print colored text. Even if the grayscale option is checked in the printer driver, if the original text is in a color other than black, the PIXMA TS9020 will combine the cyan, magenta and yellow ink tanks together to make a composite black.


To use only the black ink tank, the original text must be black and the paper setting must be set to Plain Paper.



Thanks for your reply. In fact I should have specified that I want to use black pigment ink for B&W photos, not text. I suspect it can't be done as I gather that when I convert a color photo to black and white it isn't really "black" but a combination of other colors. I may end up having to get a printer that uses only pigment inks (Epson).
