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How can I print on legal size paper on MX922 ?


I can't figure out how to print on legal size paper  . . . how is this done ? The paper tray only holds 8 1/2 x 11.


Hi, William! I don't know if you've found the answer to your question, but I've been wondering the same thing! On the few occasions I've needed to print on legal-size paper, I've just pulled out the lower papertray, put a sheet or two of legal in on top of the letter-size sheets and closed the tray with a "paper tail" sticking out. It seems ridiculous but it works. However, after seeing your post I pulled the paper tray out, removed the paper and inspected the tray more closely. Lo and behold! - with the paper out, if you look inside the tray to the left, you'll see a "depressable" plastic button adjacent to an arrow with an "LGL" label. It takes a little slight-of-hand, but if you press down on that button and pull at the front of the tray, it slides out into a new locked position -- expanding the extra 3" needed for legal paper and revealing a new "LGL" detent for the paper length adjuster! I'm sure the Canon engineers thought this would be totally obvious to the user but I've owned several Canon printers now and this is the first time, like you, I've been stumped to figure out how to use legal-size. Thanks for posting on the forum so I'd see your question, get motivated by it and finally find the answer to what's been bugging me, too! By the way, Canon, the MX922 is a really great printer! I get wonderful results whether printing photos, web pages or work docs. Really affordable to boot!

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If you pull out the lower cassette, on the left hand side nearest you there is a picture of an envelope and a sheet of paper sort of curled up.  Above that is a rectangular button and an arrow pointing towards you daying "LGL".  If you push the button down you can pull out the front part of the cassette to alloy you to load legal-size paper without it sticking out from the cassette.  There are more instructions for prining on odd-size paper in the file "MX920ser_ReadMeFirst_EN.pdf"

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WOW! Yet another great MX922 challenge posed on this forum! Many thanks to "dvzdad" for encouraging me to test my problem-solving skills again. To begin with, I'm using the Canon IJ Scan Utility on a Macintosh, so you may have to allow for any differences there might be in the PC version. First of all, don't focus on using the "Document" button in the IJ Scan Utility (for some reason it doesn't seem to support legal-size scans) you'll use the "Custom" button instead. However, before you even begin, click on the "Settings..." button in the lower right corner of the IJ Scan Utility window. Once the "Settings" window opens, click on "Custom Scan" in the sidebar on the left. Now the magic begins. Work your way down the options from top to bottom selecting those appropriate for you. Under "Select Source" I chose "Document (ADF Simplex)", under "Color Mode" I chose "Color", under "Paper Size" I used the drop-down to select "Legal" (Yea!!), and under "Resolution" I selected "300 dpi". Now, moving down to "Save Settings", under "File Name" I use the prefix "Scan" so I can easily find the output files, then under "Data Format" here's where I specify "PDF" (for single-page documents -- or you may want to use the optional "PDF (Multiple Pages)" if your document requires it), under "Save In" I always prefer the target to be my "Desktop" so I can, again, easily find the resulting files. Finally, to save time, under "Application Settings" I opt to use the radio button for "Do not start any application". You may prefer to preview your PDFs in Adobe Reader or Acrobat Pro after each scan, so in that case you'd want to choose the "Send to an application" radio button instead and then point to your copy of Reader or Pro. Once your choices are made, close the "Settings" window by clicking the "OK" button (be careful NOT to click on the "Defaults" button next to it!) and return to the main IJ Scan Utility window. When you're ready, place your legal document(s) in the ADF and click the "Custom" button. Your document should be scanned as expected and a PDF created in the location you've chosen. I tested this procedure in both wired (USB) mode and in wireless (WiFi) mode and it works perfectly for me. Give it a go and let us all know if this solution successfully solves your problem. Best wishes!

Thanks for the suggestions and it worked for me. I'm happy that I was able to get the job done but a little disappointed in Canon for making it difficult to do the first go around. It seems that putting "Legal" size in the menus would be much more intuitive than "Custom". Thanks again.

This post has legs !

Greetings again, group! Maybe it's my OCD or just old age, but ever since my response to "dvzdad" earlier this month, I've been thinking about the substance of this issue and the observation that it seemed like such a weird oversight by Canon's engineers. Well, I have to apologize for "not seeing the forest for the trees"! I got too caught up in the problem and should have delved deeper into the "Preferences" options for "Document Scan". So, let's rewind and go for the simple (although still not absolutely obvious) solution to successfully scanning legal documents through the ADF on the MX922. First, open the Canon IJ Scan Utility (Mac or Windows) and go into "Preferences". In the sidebar, select "Document Scan". Now here's the tricky part -- by default the "Select Source" field is pre-set to "Document (ADF/Platen)". Why is this? I presume it's because in the U.S. we live in a traditionally letter-size world and, by design, the glass platen on the MX922 is only 11 15/16" long. But here's what I missed noting earlier:  If you click on the "Select Source" dropdown, you'll find six options -- Magazine, Document, Document (ADF/Platen) [the default choice], Document (ADF Simplex), Document (ADF Manual Duplex) and Document (ADF Auto Duplex). While they all support "letter" and a few other sizes, it's the fourth item (Document ADF Simplex) that offers "legal" size and is the solution for using the Document button in the Canon IJ Scan Utility instead of the Custom button. However, as before, while this option allows you to scan a legal-size document and produce a single or multipage PDF, Document ADF Manual Duplex and Document Auto Duplex DO NOT allow you to do the same -- you must choose the ADF Simplex option and run each side of your document(s) through one at a time. Grrrr! Hope this helps simplify your workflow! Regards.

Thank you so much TimDugas! I purchased the PIXMA MX922 last week and have been making myself crazy trying to figure out how to print legal size. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! The instructions that came with the printer are useless! The online instructions a not any better. Thank goodness for this forum. Now I do not have to hang on hold forever waiting on the Canon support phone line!!

Thank you so much for this information. I was so upset that I couldn't print legal size that I was ready to ship my MX922 back to Canon.  I have no manual, of course, and I was in a great hurry to get the job done, of course, but am starting to breathe normally again now.  thank you again for figuring this out.  I wonder had I called Canon, would the technician know how to do this. LOL

Further to my thank you email telling me how to print legal size with my new MX922, I wanted to add some comments about the printer.  I find this model of printer really cumbersome and awkward to use.  My previous Canon fed from the back and I found that much easier. With this one, if I forget to open the area where the printed copy comes out, the door opens with a crash and I jump every time. And if I have to add more paper to the paper tray, I have to close this door before I can pull out the bottom tray to load more paper.  I loved my old MP750 printer and it served me well for 15 years.

Could you please tell me where the LGL Is located? I'm having a really hard time. Thanks so much.



take the bottom tray out

look on the tray  close to the left hand side and you will see the letters LGL

near those letters is a rounded indentationwhich is smaller than a dime

push down on that round indented part

while pushing down on that round indentation, pull the end of the tray out so that it is longe= legal size

I think this Canon is very poorly designed. I find that I can't put anything on my desk in front of the bottom paper tray because it gets in the way of pulling out the tray.

Not sure about using "legal" size paper but 8.5 X 11 works well IF you

 use a program, such as Photoshop, you can print 8 X 10 prints from the lower tray by making the selection in that program.

I have done it using Photoshop, can't speak to other programs.

The upper tray will not adjust to the larger sizes.. strange thing.

The predecessor MX882 was much more photo print friendly .
