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G5020 Won't accept default to cassette paper source


I have a few iOS devices which print just fine, but from my Windows 10 laptop I get error message about adding paper to rear tray, when I want to use the cassette, which has plenty of paper.  Even though I set the properties to use my setting (including the cassette as paper source) as the default, before pressing Print, that doesn't stay.  After the error message about the rear tray, I look at the properties again, the source is changed to rear tray.

I went to print preferences, Page Setup tab, Print Options dialog box, and checked "Disable the paper source setting of the application software"...problem NOT solved.

What I want to do is always by default to use the cassette, and print on plain paper.  I want to use the rear tray only for printing photos, or media other than plain paper.  I keep my printer in a desk where I don't have enough room to extend the rear tray. 

The problem started when I tried to print an e-mail from Outlook 2013, which I still can't do.

Any help would be appreciated.  TIA


Product Expert
Product Expert


Just to confirm, when you installed the printer on your laptop did you select add printer or did you download/install the driver from the Canon website? 

We look forward to your reply. 

I probably downloaded and installed from the web site, but not sure.  I did NOT use the install CD.

I am now able to print from Firefox correctly.
