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Canon iP8720 stops printing in the middle of a job on a specific image, not others.


I have a Canon iP8720 printer and I've been using it for 4 years. I print mostly black and white images of my art with occasional color. I had a recent piece that is a full rainbow of colors. When I print 8x10s of this image (600 MB) it works just fine. When I print the larger images of 11x17 (800 MB) and 13x19 (950 MB), the printer struggles to get through and stops halfway through and the printer just loses power. I have tried resetting the printer to factory settings, printing other images with color (that works), removing the printer from the computer and adding it back on the computer (PC, Windows 11), and more. Nothing I do works and now I've just wasted money on paper. 



Same thing here. All sizes work fine EXCEPT the 13x19. I'm lucky to get 1/4 of the page printed before it just shoots it out. If you ever figure it out, please post back. I'll do the same!
