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Canon Pixma TR7520 suddenly only printing blank pages - was working 5 days ago



I saw a similar post to this last year, but looks like it never got a good response. Posting it again.

My Canon Pixma TR7520 suddenly started spitting out blank pages every time I print.

It was working fine ~5 days ago, then suddenly

The ink cartridges are all ok, I've done cleanings, deep cleanings, roller cleanings, the auto head alignment, tried to print test pagers..anything I could troubleshoot. Nothing is working.

I'm really hoping there's a solution for this, I can't afford a new printer right now!

Thank you!



You need to get some 70% or more isopropynol alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) .Turn the printer on and open lid. The print carrage should move to centre of opening where you have access to it. You can manually move it with your hand, but only as a last resort. Remove the ink cartridges and youll see exposed round pads that accept the ink on the carrige  . Get lots of alcohol onto them. The best way is to us a syringe, like those used for giving kids liquid meds, or a regular hyp with a removeable needle. Unscrew the needle. Fill syringe with alcohol and place opening tight agaisnt the pads, Inject alcohol into the pads. You may want to slide a folded  peice of paper towel under the whole priint carrage. It can be done but you may need to manually move the carrige. If you dont have a syringe, use a drinking straw with your finger over the end, or an eye dropper, etc..even a soaked q-tip might work..but get them soaking for 10 minutes...FOR the BEST results, after alcohol soak, use a piece of plastic tubing that fits around those pads  (or maybe a bendable drinking straw if no tubing is available) and put one end tight against the round  pad opening and the other in your mouth and BLOW ! I have had just the alcohol soak work, but in most cases the blowing method was also requires to  clear the blocked ink ports!  IT WORKS ! Remove the paper towel , use alcohol to clean up the other inky  areas while your in there..reinstall ink cartridges and give it a try...your colours should be back until they dry up or clog. Years ago,printers would dry out if left pwered on..not sure it that still applies to these typea of print heads...probably just ink type etc. Good Luck es 73s
