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Canon Pixma MT3050 cartridge alignment problems


I am having problems aligning my print cartridges.  I go through the stips, print the test page and then put the test page in my scanner...faceing the way it is instructed then press the scan button as instructed...but it never finishes.  There is a yellow/orange light that comes on below the wifi button and above the the lights called B and has a emblem beside it that is a triangle with a crooked downward pointing arrow inside of it.  According to the instructions, if there is an error during the process, this orange light is supposed to blink a certain number of times and using the number of times it blinks, I am supposed to be able to figure out what the error is...but the light doesn't blink.  It just comes on and stays on until I press end.  The printer will still print without it be the alignment is off of cuts part of the left of the page off.  How can I fix this?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Ohoopee,


Is the model that you are referring to the PIXMA MG3050?


If so, that model is not supported by Canon USA.  Please use the following link to obtain support for your printer:
