Canon Pixma MP640 Error B200




When I turn on my printer it give me B200 error. A week ago I disconnected supply cable for 12 hours and it go well.

Now I tried to disconnected already for 12 hours but this time it don't go.


I I replaced all cartridges, clean printer head with water and dry it, but it don't go.


I tried to go in service mode and green and orange led  flashing alternatively. If I try to press resume 4 times in service mode to reset ink waste, nothing happens.







*** DISCLAIMER *** You'll try the following advices solely on your own responsibility!  


After B200 error in my MP640 (Europe version) I firstly carried out a print head cleaning method with alcohol and distilled water (6 + 6 min) proposed at [link removed per forum guidelines] (see down on the page and use Google translate if needed).


Well, cleaning alone didn't help.


After that I found from another forum an 'open print head bay boot' (like I'm calling it...) trick which I combined with an idea of nozzle cleaning. So I managed to solve my B200 problem as follows:

1. Turn OFF the printer and make sure there is plenty of ink left in every tank.
2. From "Devices and Printers" open MP640 properties and further the "Maintenance" window.
3. From Maintenance section select nozzle cleaning (all colors), preferably the 'deeper' one. And then STOP! Don't start any cycle yet.


4. Open the print head bay (as though you were about to change inks).

5. Turn ON power.

6. Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left and let it go past half way.

7. Before print carriage reaches left hand side (but after going halfway across) shut the cover.

8. Printer's display turns now into dark color and shows text "Canon" above the 'running balls'. During that time start the cleaning cycle but don't do anything else, i.e. don't try to print the test page yet.
9. Nozzle cleaning should start right after printer initializing.
10. After the cleaning cycle is finished run another one without printing anything. Make sure you don't run out of any ink.
11. Print the test page to check if additional cleaning is still needed.

I had to do the print bay boot + nozzle cleaning another time because B200 error returned quite soon after the first try. But after some more cleaning cycles and printing everything seems to be ok now. Hope this helps with your printer!


This is the FIRST proper advice that finally is working. (ReCalled)


Despite the extremely BAD service from Canon (actually NO service at all) at last my printer is online again.

I (well, my printer) suffered the U052 error for several days now. Cleaning the printhead with water had helped a few times to solve the B200 error, but when the U052 error came up nothing was found to solve that error.


Even searching the Canon-site and FAQ, nothing was found of the U052 message, which even blocked a new driver to install, WiFi approach to find the printer. Nothing could be done.

Sending a mail to Canon wasn't even answered.


If I could I would give you 10 kudo's, but I've not used kudo's before. So I don't know how to do that.


Anyway, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the clear descrition of the solution.


Han, from The Netherlands




My cheering was too fast.


After following the instructions from 1ecu, the printer was working again.

Next morning however the same error came up.

From there I tried everything without succes. So, my MP640 has died.


Looking for a new printer is a deception also.

All printers look like crap. Made like badly working toys, looking and working less than my MP640.

I will miss that printer.


