Canon PIXMA MX922 printer won't allow 2-sided printing of Word documents


I just installed a new Canon PIXMA MX922 printer to replace an older MX882.  Everything works well, and I am able to two-side print documents from web pages and e-mail by checking the "two-sided" box on the Print drop down menu..  However, I am unable to two-side print any Word documents.  No "two-sided" check off box drops down, and no "duplex" option is available, as it was with the MX882.  I never had this problem with the older MX882.  Can you help?


Thanks very much.



I am choosing two-sided printing on my print screen but keep getting one-sided printing from the printer....  please help!



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Here's how I have found that I can print two-sided on my PIXMAMX922:


1.  With your Word document on the screen, click on "File" at the very top left of the screen.  A small dropdown will appear.  Then click on "Print" near the bottom of that dropdown.  A new "Print" dropdown will show.


2.  Press on the Copies & Pages tab. A small window will drop down.


3.  Press on the Layout tab. Another window will appear.  Near the bottom of that window is a bar called "Two-Sided", which will show "Off".  This is what you're looking for.


4.  Press "Off".   Two options will appear: "Long-Edge binding", and "Short-Edge bindiing".


5.  Press Long-Edge binding. (You may want to try "Short-Edge binding" just to see how it does the two-sided printing.  I always use the Long-Edge binding.)


6.  Press "Print".  Your document will now print two-sided.


This sounds complicated, but in a few passes you'll find it can be done in just a few seconds.


By  the way, if you want to print all in black and white (and save your color ink), here's how you can do it:


Follow Steps 1 and 2 above.  On the Layout screen, press "Quality & Media".  On the bottom of the screen that shows, press "Greyscale Printing".  Then you can press "Print".  The printing will be in black & white.


You can do either or both (two-sided, greyscale) for your document before you press Print.


Good luck!!

How do I turn off two sided printing using a MAC IOS Sierra 10.12?


HOW did you fix the two sided printing?

When you select print the print window comes up and there's a selection to use double sided printing. 

I tried this but it didn't help.

There is NO option to check.

Are you using the canon printer application or a generic application? Are you printing from a PDF file or Document such as word?