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Canon PIXMA MX922: PGBK not printing


I have a Canon PIXMA MX922 printer and suddenly the PGBK catridge is not printing although the ink level is almost full. I have looked through the forums, but never found a clear solution for this issue. I have tried replacing the catridge with a new one and I did deep cleaning several times, with no avail. When I do the nozzle check pattern, I do not see the PGBK printing nor the grids.





Accepted Solutions


Here's the real solution. [Removed 3rd party link per forum guidelines]


You need to just flush out the printhead as it's most likely clogged.   You can tell this by taking a damp paper towel and trying to press against the underside of the printhead along the ports (the lines in the printhead).    You should have about 6 short lines in a group (the color printing ports) and then on longer port (the PGBK port).   I could see colors on the towel but nothing, or very, very little from the PGBK port.   


When you do this, know that you need to spend some time with it.   Make sure the tap water is hot (as hot as you can stand, maybe wear cleaning gloves) and you need to spend a couple minutes on the foam pads and then rotate and spend a couple minutes on the printhead plate and then repeat until you really see ink coming out of the different printhead ports (lines on the plate).   Again, the PGBK outport is the longer line.     The first time I tried this I didn't go long enough with the water and didn't really turn the print head much to keep working the clog.   After seeing that the PGBK port was still not putting out any ink I really went at it and spent maybe 10-15 minutes just flushing with hot water until finally I started seeing small chunks of black ink explode out of the PGBK port and the associated foam input pad.  Then I knew I was on to something and kept going untill it ran almost clear.    


Afterwards, I used some 70% isopropal alcohol from the medicine cabinet to just clean the ports and contacts after drying, thinking this might prevent salts from the tap water from hurting it.   But you're probably fine just shaking the water off and patting it all dry with some paper towels.   


Seriously, I can't say enough about how dejected I was until I really tried this and everything instantly started working again.   We almost just bought a new printer which would have been a waste given all the ink I still have.   


I really hope this helps someone else who finds themselves in a similar position.

View solution in original post



Hi Alzanki,


You can try removing and reseating the ink tanks and print head in the printer by following the steps shown here, then performing a print head alignment by following the steps shown here to see if this will resolve the issue.  Should the issue continue, we ask that you please contact a Canon technical support representative here for further assistance. A representative will be happy to assist you free of charge.

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Where are the steps to your solution? Am I missing something?

Referred to the manual and reseated the pgbk tank and went through cleaning procedure.  Print pattern is good now.


Same situation with mx922.  PGBK doesn't show up on print pattern despite having tried 2 PGBK 250 cartridges and deep cleaning.  When ONE printer ink cartridge is 35% for a $25black cartdridge versus a $70 mx922, cheaper to buy new.


Seems Canon is fine with customers contributing large scale waste as a cheaper solution



Can you share how do to the reset? I spent 2 PGBK cardtridges doing the deep cleaning and alignment without success.



I am having this same problem and have already tried the same things. Please advise. 


Same issue. Printer stopped printing. Went through all the test/cleaning steps. Pring pattern is good for C C C M M M Y BK, but no PGBK - that is, not even a heading for PGBK. As with everyone else, all cartridges are are at least 50% or more with PGBK cartridge new. Have swapped the PGBK cartridge several times, along with resetting PC (Win 10), and the printer. Have run through the cleaning process several times, with no change. Solution? (please include links to sections in doc, etc)

Thank you!!

Followed the illustrated instructions (link on a previous message on this same subject) to pull out the print head. Did a bit of careful cleaning with tissue and toothbrush and re-inserted the print head. Then ran a deep cleaning and printed the results - no change. Again, C C C M M M Y BK all print good, but no PGBK at all, not even the heading for it. Is this an ongoing issue with this printer? Maybe like Boeing's 737, it should be "grounded" and redesigned <LOL>!

The way I fixed this was buying an original XL cartridge and doing a deep cleaning again. After this experience, I don't use compatible brands for the XL. No problem with the others using compatible brands.
