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Canon IP4700


Hi Gang


  I have this Canon IP4700 printer and it works great except for one thing. I have tried this several times so I know it is not me causing this.


  When ever I go to print out a manual and I don't want to print out the complete thing ,just a few pages and I set it up correctly telling it I want pages so and so it will not do the right pages. For example if I want to print say pages from 100 to 120 it will print from 96 to 116 like 4 pages off either way. And trust me I have done this numerious times to check to make sure I am doing this right. Is there an explanation for this. ? Like printing out a manual for a HP 6500 and I wanted to print out about how to fax.





Hi Gang


  I was at least thinking I would get one comment on this one but no comments at all  WOW.



Hi Gunny!


Welcome to the Canon Forums! The Forums aren't intended for immediate assistance. If your question is of an urgent nature, please feel free to CONTACT US either by phone during business hours or email 24 hours a day!

Hi Stephen


  I don't expect immediate replys, but I thought it was up there long enough for possibly one or 2. I thought too that this was a common occurance, and easy fix.  I guess I was wrong.



Hi Gang


  Thought this being a Canon forum it would be the best place to get a reply back for my problem. But since I have not received any makes me think this is not the place to get answers to your problem with your product. Maybe I should go to the support instead of this forum and try my luck there.


  The forums I go to I usually can expect some sort of reply even if it is asking for more info. I use PCmech a lot and they are great for problems.  They have some great people on there that will help you with your problems. I have comeaway probably 90% of the time with a fix for my problem. 




Hi Gunny,


Does this issue occur just when printing the HP 6500 manual, or does this occur when printing other items too?  Are the items that you are trying to print in PDF format or other formats as well, and are they downloaded to your computer or being printed directly from a website?


If this is a time-sensitive matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.



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