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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

Well this morning I took out the printer head, cleaned all the contact points with q tips and alcohol. Put it back in, pushed it to the far left and rapidly hit the power button several times. The error message disappeared. So I tried to make a copy and it went through the motions and printed out a blank sheet of paper. I tried to print an email from the computer and it promptly went to a new error. The B200 error? What?!! I give up. Guess I have to shop for a new printer.

All right. Just popped into the middle of this discussion on full waste ink pad.


I've contended with this before on an old HP inkject that had precisely this error. On that inkjet, there was no sensor. What there was was a counter that kept track of the ink ejected into the waste ink pad whose value was saved in a EEPROM inside the machine, meaning that said EEPROM value could save its value across power resets and such.


Through some skullduggery a user found out what the reset code was for that printer. It involved the usual suspects: Standing on one foot on a Friday in May while a vigin's tear dropped on a snowflake, etc. But it was doable.


Being an engineer, I decided to clean said pad. And, yeah, I do take apart some fairly complex pieces of hardware for a living, sometimes without much in the way of documentation, too. So, with note-taking pad and pencil, and the ability to sketch in hand, I took apart said printer until I could get to the pad.


Say what you want, but that pad was full. Got it out, took it to the sink, and for a half hour or so got it clean. Dried it back out somewhat (the ink's somewhat water soluble), put it all back together, ran through the reset sequence, and the printer continued to work for a year or so.


Given that it took me most of a day to go through the procedure, and it would probably take at least an hour or so for a compent techie to do the same work, not to mention having spare pads on hand, with the ever-present danger of snapping some never-meant-to-be-taken-apart piece of plastic, I can begin to understand an argument that Canon doesn't want to fix a saturated ink pad, seeing as the cost to repair (again, time & money) would be more than that of a new printer.


However, there are poor starving college students and what all that have more time than money who would be glad to take a whack at it. And people like me who actually liked the printer I had better than the printer (no rear input tray) that Canon was trying to sell me. And it bugs the living bejeezus out of me that $0.50 worth of screws and a designed-in panel in the bottom would make it trivial to fix that pad.


And what really gets me is that, by this time, if there was a true reset sequence for that EEPROM, somebody would have extracted same out of some repair manual or other. If there's not, it's exactly like buying a car that, even though it's in fine working condition, except for some elderly engine coolant, disables itself because some manager/marketeers/idiots with business degrees wants to (a) not waste money making the engine coolant replaceable and (b) want to force the issue by making the consumer buy a new car. In my mind, this isn't much different than the occasional auto glass repair guy (this really happens in NYC), who runs around with a baseball bat busting in car windows. Yeah, not all of the car windows were going to end up in his shop; but enough of them were to make it worthwhile. That idiot got caught, charged, and tossed in jail, and the window shop he worked in got put out of business.


Remember: Resetting such an EEPROM is s trivial, durn-near-zero-cost thing to do. If Canon purposely set that up, they deserve to go out of busiiness, especially as they didn't warn consumers that "after-X-deciliters-of-ink-we're-going-to-disable-this-printer-with-no-option-to-repair". I'd like to see the judge who'd let that one pass.





If I hadn't returned my printer to receive a Yet-To-Experience U052 error replacement printer, I would have taken it apart to see if in fact this ink pad was full. I would suggest if there are any other engineers or curious do-it-yourselfers on this forum who have a Canon Printer experiencing the U052 error to take it apart and see if they can confirm this theory. Maybe with a little collaboration we can find a way of resetting the EEPROM variable that stores the count.

It would behoove Canon to remedy this design flaw if in fact this is the root-cause of the malfunctioning printers producing the U052 error.


Just wasted $100 on new cartridges.

I have my Canon brick and am happy to experiment. YouTube available to follow? Not sure what I would be looking for but I can't make the printer any less functional.

Here is the one mentioned earlier in this forum, doesn't have all the steps to take it apart but maybe helpful

All embedded based computer systems consist of some type of CPU (Microprocessor), RAM (Random Access Memory) chips and a permanent memory storage system such as an EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) chip. The system generally boots from the EEPROM, maybe transfers the program to RAM and then runs. To see what's going on with the code, we would have to connect a logic analyzer to the Address, Data, Clock and Chip Select lines. Then with a little effort we could follow the code flow. This may not be a simple task since real-time operating systems could be employed and multi-threaded software may be in place. Reading a previous post, a user had purchased two (2) Canon printers and the one that was hardly used experiences the U052 error. This does not support the theory that it's a ink counter issue since it was still on the original set of cartridges.

Wow, I haven't been here for awhile - there are another 30 plus pages of comments.  The firm handling the CA suit is looking for printers to dismantle in order to determine the real issue of the U052 error.  PM me if you would like to volunteer your printer.  Shipping would be covered.

I'd be glad to volunteer mine. It is just taking up space on my kitchen table. Where do I ship it.


Yes, it would really be helpful if Canon officially admitted the real reason behind that printhead error code. In fact, I'm a bit surprised why it still seems to be a secret. Considering that here in Germany, every salesperson I talk to (in the electronics department) seems to know that the full ink pad is a common occurrence - not just for Canon, but for all printers.


The uniqueness about Canon is only that the error says "wrong printhead", and if consumers buy new printheads, obviously that's a total waste of money.


As I understand from my research, resetting the EEPROM wouldn't really help, at least not for long. Because if the ink pad is full, it's full, whether the system recognizes it or not. So after some time, even if we were able to successfully remove the error code, something would overflow I suppose. A leak of some sort, I imagine.


If printer manufacturers wanted to alleviate the problem, they might try building larger ink pads into their printers. But I suspect the whole point is to have a printer only last for a couple of years and then to sell a new one. No matter the waste of a perfectly fine machine that lands on a huge plastic gargabe dump.


Since it seems that all printers, all brands, suck up ink from the cartridges to keep the machine clean, and all use ink pads to absorb that ink, my conclusion is - buy the cheapest model you can get, since it will not last you long.


Meanwhile, it is still worthwhile to prove for sure that the full ink pad is the actual reason and to confront Canon with the facts. That's the least they can do, admit what the real problem is. Their new line of printers should say "ink pad full, nothing doing, go buy a new printer."
