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edsdk - fast shooting


Hello, I am developing a fashion shooting application and using the edsdk to control the camera. So far so good. In comparision to EOS utility I can' t shoot fast (only every 6 sec.) otherwise I get -device-busy- error. What ist pushing the break in my app? Do I have to initialize different? Even locking the camera doesn't make a difference. How do I setup the camera by edsdk to shoot 6 images per second? best regards



What camera, lens, ISO etc are you using. 6 FPS will require very good light & a fast lens indoors (which I assume you will be).

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

thanks for the reply.

I need to mention: I know optical factors. The question is not about photography - it is software development. Something makes the camea busy when accessing by edsdk. But eos utility is much faster. What makes the difference?

I know nothing about code etc but could the delay have to do with the software re setting the AF? Have you tried using MF?

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thanks again. Yes, I tied even this with MF and halfway shutter press before shooting. No solution.


Has this fast shooting ever been addressed?


I have the same issue with my application.

I need to shoot at about 3 frames per sec but cant seem to get faster than about 1.5 sec between shots.

I send a trigger to the camera and the image received event in C# doesnt get fired for about 1.2 secs.

ThenI download the image to the SSD over the USB 3.1 bus --- so abou 1.5 sec cycle time -- depending on the image size.

I am shooting in highest res -- using the EOSR5.

I have tried buoth the hardware and software trigger -- same result.

I have used MF and AF -- also attempted to shut down all the image distortion processing.


I can set up the burst mode and gets lots of frames/sec -- but I have no control over this timing.

So I know the camera can do it!


@jekain314 wrote:

Has this fast shooting ever been addressed?


I have the same issue with my application.

I need to shoot at about 3 frames per sec but cant seem to get faster than about 1.5 sec between shots.

I send a trigger to the camera and the image received event in C# doesnt get fired for about 1.2 secs.

ThenI download the image to the SSD over the USB 3.1 bus --- so abou 1.5 sec cycle time -- depending on the image size.

I am shooting in highest res -- using the EOSR5.

I have tried buoth the hardware and software trigger -- same result.

I have used MF and AF -- also attempted to shut down all the image distortion processing.


I can set up the burst mode and gets lots of frames/sec -- but I have no control over this timing.

So I know the camera can do it!




The "Sofrware" label in this forum is intended to describe end user issues with software applications only, not software development.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."