Focus distance information in image


DPP seems to be able to determine focus distance infomation.  Is it possible to read this infomation of a raw file with another software tool?



Not all lenses have it, but you could try EXIF tool.

Thanks , Yes using the tool I see the lens I tried it on Canon EF 70-200 F4 L had the following infomation

Focal Distance Upper ( m )

Focal Distance Lower ( m )

Hyperfocal distance  (m )

depth of field ( m ) 

depth of field lower limit (m )

depth of field upper limit (m)

Circle of confusion ( mm ) - uses this value to determine hyperfical distance


I checked the values agains a test shot agains subject at a know distance and it seem quite accurate. What I cannot figure out is what Focal Distance Upper and Lower are - here are the test results

Focal length 184mm


circle of confusion 0.02mm

Subject distance to image plane 4.47 m

Focal distance Upper  5.37m

Focal Distance Lower 3.88 m

depth of field 0.10 m

depth of field lower limits 4.58 m

depth of field upper limit 4.67 m 

The GUI version of the exiftool does not have all these parameters decoded in the jpg files I tested it on ex canon 6D Mk2

