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EOS Remote for Windows Phone 8


Are there any plans on releasing a version of the EOS Remote software for Windows Phone 8 in the near future?



162 REPLIES 162

I have both. I want to work myself into the Canon (e.g D70) SDK, import it into a project using WP8.1 SDK, and make a "Hello world" app. 

Next would be to control the shutter, and work from there. (controlling bulk, iso, apperture, shutter speed, ...


I will post my progress here. 

Ok, good luck! I will be following your progress closely.

🙂 Keep the heat on. I am a full-time embedded software engineer with four kids, but I want this feature desperately. 

If you need any help, its a feature I would like and I'm an seasoned .Net developer with mobile experience...

Much appreciated. I'm a Linux developer, and I have to swallow .NET with some sugar 🙂 But it could be the start of the exploration of a new exiting world. Someone convinced me once that a WP7 phone was better than an android (without gun pointed to my head) . Major milestone in my carreer 🙂 

This week I will create a closed wikipage on my site, so we can exchange some ideas without being watched over our shoulders. I post the link when it's done.


I hope to see this soon. Note to the poster from Canon and anyone else reading this that Windows Mobile is not the same as Windows Phone. WM is old and has an almost irrelevant decreasing market share. WP on the other hand has a small but growing market share.

I am a Windows Phone developer. I know there are some Application Programming Interfaces available from Canon, and I wonder if third party devs could potentially build a remote app. I will look into it further tommorow and report back.


Dang, I too registered just to indicate that this is a feature we would love supported on Windows Phone as well. This was a feature I was looking forward to but now disappointed to see its not supported on the phone I use. In fact this is one of the reasons I picked 6d over d600 😞


You get my vote for this app. Or even better, release an API so that developers can make a 3rd party solution.


Well, add me to the list.


I have Windows Phone 8 and intend to stick with it, plus I am a long-time Canon-using professional who would love and expect Canon to port their remote app and any other smart phone applications to Windows Phone 8, plus later versions. Yes IOS and Android are bigger markets, but, after using and really liking my Nokia 920 for 6 months, I am quite convinced that Windows Phone 8 will do nothing but gain market share. Doing the small job of porting existing software should be a good investment for Canon and a big help for thousands of their serious customers. Do it soon, please.


I too have just registered to say that I would be more inclined to buy a Canon 6D if the EOS software were available for Windows phone 8.


But I don't suppose that we are enough voices to make it worthwhile for Canon to develop a Windows phone version.


For the right price I would pay for a third party app.
