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Connecting PowerShot SX510 HS to my MacBook Pro


I have an older Powershot SX510HS that I used to have connected to a PC  to transfer pictures wirelessly.  I now have a MacBook Pro and can't seem to get it to link.  I don't believe there is anything on my MAC to allow it to connect and receive pictures.  I haven't been able to add the AP Camera Connect for some reason.  Any suggestions?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Greetings jodyjewell,

You may use Apple's Image Capture app that is pre-installed on your computer to download photos from the PowerShot SX510 HS.

1. On your computer please open Image Capture. It will be located in your applications folder and will have an icon of a silver / gray camera.

2. Connect your camera to your computer and press the Playback button on the camera to power it on while it's connected to the computer.

3. Image Capture will then display your camera on the left-hand side of its window. Click on the camera in Image Capture once to select it.

4. Your images will appear on the main portion of Image Capture. Select all of your images or the images you would like to transfer.

5. Click on the import button on the bottom right hand corner to transfer your images to your computer. By default, your images will be transferred to your Pictures folder on your computer.

In case the above steps do not work then the camera's age may not be compatible with the newer operating system on your computer and we would suggest to use the above steps but by using a memory card reader where the memory card is removed from the camera and inserted into a card reader that is attached to your computer.
