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A plee to Canon - Bring BACK ZoomBrowser EX for Windows


I have used Canon ZoomBrowser EX since version 5; I am now using the latest version on Windows 8 and I love it. I've noticed that Canon has been attempting to replace it with ImageBrowser EX which, IMO is a horribly slow peice of software.


Here's what I absolutley hate bout ImageBrowser:

  1. I have to connect my camera to install the software? Why???
  2. It's incredibly slow to load (It's installed on a SSD with 8GB of RAM, Lightroom is faster than this software)
  3. It's bulky and ugly
  4. There's no option to zoom in with ease nor is there any option to compare two or more photos side-by-side like you could in ZoomBroswer
  5. There's no option to sync two photos at once and zoom in or pan and scroll at the same time
  6. It's slow, did I mention that?
  7. It's not customizeable
  8. When in near full screen mode, you cannot view the focal points
     nor can you view the image information like you can in ZoomBrowser.

Please re-consider re-instating ZoomBrowser... these bullet points are very important! Thank you.



I know this is an old post but just want to agree.


I do most of my image downloading, viewing and editing on my desktop at home.  ZoomBrowserworks fine on Windows 10 64 biut even though Canon's download pages says that it does not.


I am away from home and wanted to look through the hundreds of images I have taken over the last few days but ImageBrowser is just too awkward to use so only looked at a few.


I will see if I can find my old discs or download files when I get home then see if I can get ZoomBrowser to work on the laptop.



I had zoombrowser on my win 8 machine and until recently it was working fine. Thern error Zb mpodule came up and i cannot find a download (except "Fast" which my Mcafee treats as a virus). The Zb module error won't go away (even after a system restore). Other users say I must install win 10 or above but I don't know if zoombrowser will work on that operating system(?).

I use Zoombrowser over 80% of what I do on my computer ...(photo processing wildlife shots) and my work is paralysed without it. My Canon Digital Photo Professional is terrible for my needs which are rapid and easy basic processing light and colour adjustment, cropping, resizing and exporting of jpegs. (Prior to uploading to iNaturalist). I don't know if this is Canon's or Window's fault but If the former and they don't offer a replacement that is at least as good, then I will NEVER buy anything Canon again (I'm looking at a mirrorless set up now).  
