Vixia HF G30 - Video Noise on Live Feed


I am attempting to use Vixia HF G30 with an HDMI capture card to capture video for a livestream. Our needs are a bit greater than what a webcam can provide, so we went with a camcorder instead. Even the preview on the camcorder shows a bit of video noise when you look closely, so it is no surprise to me when this same noise appears on the live preview on my computer. I have read everything about making sure you have a well lit environment, and I even tried switching over to manual exposure and playing with the settings a bit. No matter what, it seems like we can't avoid video noise.


I suspected it wasn't anything to do with the attempt to do Live capture. After inspecting videos recorded to my SD card, the videos have the same level of noise as the Live feed.


Does anyone have any tips or magic settings I can tweak? I by no means consider myself a professional when it comes to video production, so I apologize if I am missing something blatantly obvious.



Hello garethcales, 

From what it sounds like you would need to add more light to the scene.  This should alleviate the issues that you are having. 

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