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Transfer videos to Mac


What is the best way to get my videos shot with my VIXIA camera onto my MacBook Pro?


Have you tried iMovie?

Rising Star
Rising Star

or the Canon software included with the camera?

The software transfers, but what to do next? The guidance on what to do with the AVCHD files is not great. iMovie can transfer from your camera, but converts it to a new file many times it's size. Premiere Elements can edit AVCHD natively. Canon provides no software to deal with the AVCHD files on a Mac, nor guidance on good workflows. It would be helpful if they did.

"the software transfers?" do you mean that using the canon software you can transfer the files? If so, than the original question by the original contributor has been answered. If you are asking a new question on what to do with the files, you can "import" from the camera directly into iMovie without making duplicate files or you can "move" or "copy" the files. If you are going to use something else that costs more money like Premiere Elements you may also want to consider Final Cut in the app store or Avid. If your objective is just to get video files from a vixia camera to a MacBook than any one of these solutions will work. The "best" is what works for you and your budget.


Previous posts have already made the problem clear. And if you want deal with your videos on some NLEs and find even the native support can't work. You can turn for some thrid-party software. 

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