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R400 tripod threads stripped.

I have two Vixia HF R400 camcorders I've been using off and on for over a year. Last night I used them and discovered the 1/4-20 threads underneath for the tripod was broken out and I could not attach the camera to my tripod, I had to use gaffers tape. I then looked at the second one and it's also cracking. Obviously I tightened the plate I used too much. Is there any possible way to fix it?


I contacted Canon tech support and then customer service and because my camcorders are a few months out of warranty, all they could suggest is to send them and get an estimate, which could start at around $150 each. I've seen factory refurbs on eBay for $180, so sending them in is obviously not viable.


Then I got in my mickey-mouse mode and came up with a repair that actually works. I have strips of very heavy duty Velcro™ material, so I cut them to size, attached them to the brackets I use and to the camcorder. I have to say, they're more sturdy than I was expecting. The Velcro is between the base of the R400 and the bracket.


R400 with Bracket

Does this still work and could you give me the materials needed and how you did it?
