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Need low-light video camcorder (additional questions)


I see someone has asked this question recently.  It's my understanding that they were recommended to check out the Vixia HF M52/M50/M500.  I checked out this series, and it's a 2012 series that can't record at 1920x1080/60p.  It can only record up to 60i.


My question is, why didn't Canon release a replacement/upgrade for 2013 for this series??  It seems to be VERY popular due to its low-light abilities.  But it's recording at only 60i, and I believe they also are using the Digic DV III processor instead of the newer Digic DV 4.


Also, I will be viewing any video on a 60" Panasonic Plasma widescreen HD TV.  Will I see a difference between video recorded at 1920x1080/60i vs.1920x1080/60p???


I've already tested the Vixia HF R400, and it's low-light capabilities were unacceptable.


Thanks for your help in advance.
