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Legria HF-G30 camcorder compatibility with WD-H58W lens.


Hi all, I own a Legria HF-G10 camcorder with a WD-H58W wide converter lens.

Now I'd like to change my cam with the new Legria HF-G30.

Will I can continue using the WD-H58W with the HF-G30 camcorder or will I be forced to buy the WA-H58 lens as suggested on Canon website?




Accepted Solutions

Hi all, I just received a reply from the official Canon support about the question I posted here: they answer that HF-G30 camcorder and WD-H58W lens converter are not compatible, so if I'll purchase HF-G30 I have to buy the WA-H58 lens converter.


They say WD-H58W lens converter works only with HF-G10 camcorder.


Thanks all and best regards.

View solution in original post



It should fit since both camcorders have a 58mm filter thread.  As far as whether or not it will perform the same as the WD-H58 or not I can't say since I don't have one.  All I can tell you is to try it and see if it works like you would like it does on the Legria HF-G10.

Thanks for the reply, I'll try to do as you suggested.

Hi all, I just received a reply from the official Canon support about the question I posted here: they answer that HF-G30 camcorder and WD-H58W lens converter are not compatible, so if I'll purchase HF-G30 I have to buy the WA-H58 lens converter.


They say WD-H58W lens converter works only with HF-G10 camcorder.


Thanks all and best regards.

Hi, long reply, hope it helps shed some more light on is tricky matter. Plus, I have a question for you at the end if you can help answer...


I have both the HF-G10 and HF-G30 cameras, and use the WD-H58W on both cameras, without major problems on the G30. The WD-H58W was designed for the G10/XA10 and 20 models, but according to B&H Photo, can work with any camera with a 58mm ring. I wrote to B&H to ask the differences between the WD-H58W and WA-H58, but they said both were about the same with no really noticeable differences fully zoomed out.


The G30 has a menu setting to enable/disable use of a wide angle lens, and specifically names the WA-H58 in the menu setting, presumably to differentiate that this is the officially supported lens by Canon. AFAIK, the menu setting only disables *instant* auto-focus because the attachment itself covers the sensor below the camera's lens, so whether you use the WA or WD lenses, it would make sense to enable this option. However, because they offer another menu option for a macro lens accessory, I'm not entirely convinced this is the only reason. They might have made a single menu item for any attachment that covers the focus sensor if this was the only reason. Or, they did it for other reasons. I describe my experience with this in more detail below. 


That said, my experience with the WD-H58W on the G10 has been good. At close range, barrel distortion is noticeable. Straight lines further away look less distorted. Otherwise, no major or noticeable degradation of image quality, and because the lens on this camera isn't as wide to start with, the WD-H58W helps significantly. 


Because the G30 already has a 26mm wide angle lens, the WD-H58W tends to slightly exaggerate barrel distortion. The only other issue I've noticed on the G30 camera with the WD-H58W lens is a slight softening or blurring throughout the image, and slight difficulty focusing through zoomed video. Keep in mind that while using the G30 with the WD lens, I was indeed able to zoom through, with no edge blurring that does seem to happen on the WA lens (from what video tests I've seen online), but only with the menu option for the wide attachment disabled. This was ok for me because I prefer manual focus anyway for the most part. 


The question I have for you or anyone with experience with both the WD-H58W and WA-H58 on the HF-G30 camera, is barrel distortion less noticeable with the WA vs. the WD? And did Canon get specific as to the incompatibility between the G30 and WD-H58W? I would hope pairing these two does not hasten wear on the camera's focus hardware.



I just ordered a Vixia HF G50 to upgrade from my HF M31.  I was looking at lens attachments and confused why there are different compatibility listings for Vixia camcorders vs the DSLR product line that all show 58mm threading. Your post was helpful in understanding why.
