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What is the best adapter to mount a light weight shotgun mic (sennheiser MKE300) to a canon vixia HF G10, which has a mini advanced shoe? I found mini shoe to universal shoe adapters selling on ebay and amazon for $7 and up, but some have poor review...
The canon XF305 has two compact flash slots A and B. If A becomes full and the camera starts using B, can I swap in a blank card into slot A, and would the camera know that it can use A again when B becomes full? All while the camera is recording.
I was loaned an XF305 to shoot an event. It produces .XMF file which cannot be imported directly into premiere cs4. Unfortunately, I cannot justify subscribing to the CC suite, which I understand can read XMF file. A cheap solution I found is to use ...
Consumer/prosumer camcorders  usually have Program, Aperture priority, Shutter priority, and Manual exposure modes. I was just assigned an XF305 to shoot an event and it does not have any such modes. It has auto iris, auto shutter. It seems to me if ...