I've had a strange issue happen several times in the past two months. My Canon 5D MK3 isn't even 2 years old at this point, and I'm the only owner. Suddenly one morning before a wedding - my 5D MKIII would not turn on. After removing the batteries, i...
Hoping to get some insight on something that is driving me crazy. I'm attempting to troubleshoot an issue I'm having with my three Canon 600 EX-RTs and my Canon ST-E3-RT transmitter. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out what could cause linked flas...
Hi! See my comment above. The only thing I could do was an entire shut down of my camera, which required I remove all batteries, including the clock battery. I hope that solves your problem! I've since upgraded to the MK4.
I never did find a true solution to my problem. I was able to fix it by removing the batteries from the camera and also removing the clock battery, but you'll need a special tool in order to remove it. I used a tool that's used to repair eyeglasses. ...
I hadn't thought of that! I'll definitely take a peek inside. Honestly, I only like to shoot dual cards for the idea of safety during weddings (recording in two places). Other than that there isn't a point...it only slows down my write speed!
Thanks again, I will give it a go. And yes, doors are definitely closed. I've tried with both empty cards, empty formatted cards, cards that were partially full. Never mini cards + adapters. I really appreciate your time and thoughts - thank you very...