When I try to install Solution Menu EX 1.4.1 on iMac 10.11.5, it says there is a later version already installed, and won't install. I don't have a later version. How to get Solution Menu EX to install on MacOS El Capitan?
On 11/19/17, alvaromartinez posted the following: I had the same issue with Pixma MG8150 after upgrade to High Sierra. Just installed MP Navigator EX ver. 4.0.5 and it's resolved. Unexpectedly I have found it at Asia Support Wesite. Why Canon is not...
Canon-usa please explain why you can't communicate, coordinate, cooperate with your brethren at canon-asia to copy, link to, reference the Asian version of MP Navigator EX for the USA market, where you sold the printer models that need that updated v...
Thank you. You left out the last step for wireless connection: Select System Preferences / Printers & Scanners; wait until it detects the wireless Canon MG8120; add Canon MG8100 series (scanner); select Canon MG8100 series; add Canon MG8100 series_19...
I installed Quick Menu, but it shows mostly blank rows. The Web Services row shows 5 icons, but all the other rows, e.g., Scan, Manual & Device Information, are empty.