>A caution about cleaning electronic contacts. Thanks for the warning. Wanting to use the gentlest thing I could think of, I had opted for gently swiping with a sensor swab. Am I taking my camera's life in my hands?
Looks like I inadvertently clicked in the wrong place to reply earlier. Thanks for your reminder about distance to subject as that's always a good one to keep in mind. Unfortunately, that hadn't seemed to be the problem as I experienced the problem a...
Thanks for the extra idea. I am just now back in from firing off over 100 shots at all lengths and various light/shade conditions; only had AF refuse me once -- that was in dense shade shooting green on green but a slight movement of my focus point p...
>that symptom is easily explained if the camera is positioned too close to the subject. I wish it was that simple. I have been testing at all ranges after having first experienced it when trying to focus at 300mm and thought that maybe it just didn'...
I've been using the Tamron 16-300 with Rebel 5ti exclusively for 2 weeks now to check it out in all ranges and just last night and again this morning, I also experienced the autofocus issue. I tried setting different lengths, switching between manual...