I finally resolved it by returning the Canon and getting an HP.Disappointing in that I had had two Canons before it which worked well and made good photo prints, but this one was a hapless mess.
The rejoicing was too soon. Yeah, I managed to print a couple of test pages, but when I came home tonight and tried to print from a laptop (that I had already printed from), it didn't work. I can print from my desktop but no longer from my laptops. A...
Well, good news, on the 4th or 5th restart of everything, it suddenly showed up on the network and seems fine now. The main thing I did as suggested in this thread: I made sure Bonjour was on on the printer (and it showed up on the network as Bonjour...
The printer itself confirmed that it successfully connected to the network, yes. I haven't made it print anything. The IP starts with 192. I had an earlier Canon that did all this just fine, no hassles.