Checking the flash settings is the first thing I did. It's set on normal firing in all cases. The problem is that it doesn't flash correctly with any settings, indoors or out. The flash either goes off before the shutter or not at all. All the flash ...
Checking the flash settings is the first thing I did. It's set on normal firing in all cases. The problem is that it doesn't flash correctly with any settings.
My camera is olnly 5 months old and the battary is the standed battary included from Canon. The sample photos I took above were not "taken in rapid succession" and the battary was fully charged. The flash simply dose not sync with the shutter on any ...
Here are two examples I just took. The first in was in Automatic mode in my lit den. The second (darker one) was taken afterward in the same room and conditions in CA mode with forced flash setting. In both cases the flash flickered before the shutt...
I'm having the same problem. Flash either doesn'f fire when the shutter snaps, or fires before the shutter snaps, resulting in dark, underlit images even when I use the CA mode to force the flash. Sporadically an image will come out OK, butthey are m...