That is a fantastic idea about the lens, I will do that ASAP. That'll help me finally decide on a prime lens too! I have a 64gb class 10 microSD card with a SDHC converter that I can try out too, I just assumed that it would be slower than mine as i...
I'm currently using a class 10, 16gb SanDisk SDHC card whch was fomatted in the camera. I sadly do not yet own another lens, as I said, the camera is less than a week old. I'm shopping around for a 70-200mm f2.8 lens, but have yet to find the perfect...
I'm just going to piggyback on this topic rather than create a new one. I have a brand new Canon EOS Rebel T5 with the stock EF-S 18-55mm IS lens. While shooting outside on a lightly cloudy day, in manual focus mode, I constantly (maybe 1 in 5 photo...