A world first for Canon! Firmware behaves like living organism! After just a few days of updating - the effect wears off, just like leaving a beer can open! Kidding aside, the firmware has clearly done absolutely nothing to address the issue of GPS u...
Good for you. I don't use WiFi on this job. I need the 112-480mm reach on the lens. The GPS failed again on a run of 130 shots today, so the firmware hasn't corrected the fault after all.
With firmware 1.0.5 it seems they've done something towards remedying the problem as only twenty or so of the 5500 shots I took yesterday didn't register GPS readings. I chose to update this time in the hope that:"Fixes a processing error in relation...
Hmm, not quite that easy I'm afraid. Worked last year with a 7D Mark 1 with the external GPS unit on the hotshoe. The camera itself was in dire need of an update (thank you Canon) but the GPS unit worked fine. Now we have a wonderful camera in the Ma...