This is my first camera,period,the retailer said it came with a meimory card which it didn't ,I live in a remote rural area and don't have a clue as to where or what size memory card to order,need some help,thanks.
One more question,I looked on the website about "formatiing" the new memory card when it comes,understood all of it except how to find the "format" heading,will it be in the menu? If not I'm lost,thanks to you both.
Thank you both,will order the cards and go from there,this forum deal is really neat,my first go at one,I'm not a tech person at all,just an old man with a ranch and alot of time on his hands,thought maybe I would learn to take some wildlife photos,t...
John,thanks,now like I said I'm 66 a rancher and this is my first camera ever,what brand card is preferred or a good one at least and what size,I'm clueless.Most of the stuff I get is off of ebay because I'm so far out in the middle of no where,thank...