I'd suggest using and familiarising yourself with the 24-105 - it is a very versatile lens. After, say, three months, you might want to use Lightroom or a similar app to sort and analyse the focal lengths most used within your zoom range. That'll giv...
Something is not right here. Accidentally depressing the lens release button does not cause the lens to 'fall off'. When de-mounting a lens, there's at least 50º of axial rotation after lock release, with the first 40º offering a degree of stiffness....
Firstly, I'm assuming you're referring to the 5DII rather than the 1DII, in which case, I identify! The flakiness of the outer focus points in dark and challenging situations is well known. I have both the 5Dc and 5DII and have long since learned to ...
I can understand the logic of 'dating' a holiday snapshot as an aide memoire, or taking an 'image of record' for whatever legal or work-related reason.But if you've worked with care on a landscape, macro or portrait shot, considered the composition a...