It took some time for Canon to 'figure it out', but some photographers obsess about how old or new a lens is. Some go so far as they won't purchase a used <whatever> that's more than a couple of years old. So, they did away with putting date codes on...
That really sounds crazy. Hopefully, it won't happen again.I was also thinking perhaps you had the camera set to RAW output only rather than JPG or RAW+JPG. Perhaps it was just a full card. It does seem strange that it cleared up by clearing the imag...
Using to the numbers provided by the OP, the online Depth of Field calculator calculates a depth of field of about 3"! In looking at the photograph of the little girl, I'd say that's just about right. Her nose an...
Don't take this as in insult...but are you in Auto mode? I don't think it will even 'offer' WB options. Also, is there a card in the slot? Maybe switching cards will do the trick. Plan B...remove the battery for a couple of minutes.
Check out Lens Bands here: They should solve the problem for you. They also make good camoflage for the red rings on L lenses when I don't want to advertise what I'm ca...