Karl, what you might want to do is try Canon's Digital Photo Pro software (free) for your RAW conversions.I find their app deals with the burned out red channel the best.On the negative side, it does not render as much detail as ACR does on a given f...
Ebiggs, we are talking about a specific problem with the red channel here.TCampbell - you call almost 3 stops slightly more?Once either of you shoots with both cameras you will understand. The Nikon makes your work a lot easier in most cases. Less po...
Almost 3 stops more Dynamic Range on the D610 is a fact, not merely an opinion. And it definitely helps a lot in terms of avoiding saturating the red channel as we are discussing here.
Re: " All digital cameras suffer from over saturation of the red channel. It is just the way they are. It doesn't matter whether it is CCD or a CMOS sensored camera."Just for the record I have owned 1Ds2, 1Ds3, every version of 5D, etc and all have h...