My MX 970 repeatedly drops wireless connection for home network. All the posts say to power cycle - that does not work. Message says Printer is off line when it is not. Is there a fix??
I called the customer support. The basic solution for me was to shut off printer, then unplug router (Time Machine) then wait 30 seconds plug it back in and then turn on printer and renter access pint password. I have Mac that runs Yosemite. Although...
None of these solutions have worked for me. IMac w Yosemite OS. Local Area Network. Computer connected to printer through USB and both connected to TIme Capsule as the airport stations. I have powered down, downloaded latest updates and there is ...
Is there any solution? I am using the Mac OS X 10.9.5 - error messages are either no airporinter can be found or "THe Printer is off line" I have tried power cycle....nothing is working anymore. Help