Hello everyone, My name is Jake Miille and I am photographer in California. I use a Canon Rebel XSi (Hoping to upgrade to a Canon 7D Mark ii if it comes out in January) as well as a Canon 10-22mm and a 24-105L. I shoot mainly railroads throughout the...
24-105 f/4. It turned out to be a great option as I can shoot pretty much any scene with it. It has great mid range coverage. I still have it on my camera when I go out, and only change to my other lenses when needed. It's a great lens.
Thanks guys! It seems like this will be the lens for me. After learning I couldn't use an extender on a 70-300, I have decided I will need that extra range. I almost always shoot on 1/800th or above. That should be a fast enough shutter speed to get ...
I would suggest an entry level dSLR for you. These cameras will supply great image quality but won't kill your pocket book. I would suggest one of the Canon Rebels. You can look up these cameras and see which one would be right for you. You might wan...
Canon 24-105L has to be my favorite. It is a great walk around lens. I always feel comfortable having it on my camera as I know I can shoot almost any situation with it. It is the lens I leave on my camera so if any quick situation arises, I know I c...
I don't really want to get a 70-200. I would be spending a lot of money to only add 95mm of L series. I would have to buy a 2x extendor which would make my lens twice as slow. Therefore the 70-200 f/4 would really be f/8. The f/2.8 options would be m...