Thank you for that, I have never heard of that but I instantly picked up the camera and registered the batteries to it!! I hope it does help. The wifi / bluetooth transfer on it is shocking - I hVe the R6 mkii and that works like a dream. Im hoping t...
I am having the same issue as you are with Canon R5 mk ii. My Canon R6 mkii - the wifi / bluetooth transfer is a joy to work with. The Canon R5 mkii wont connect, and when it does, it uploads 3/4 images and drops the signal, and getting it rejoin aft...
Other issues I have picked up besides overheating as I work in a hot climate - the wifi transfer is nowhere near as good as the Canon R6 mkii, it frequently drops the signal mid transfer and you cant get it back again. I have picked up a pattern that...
I bought a Canon R5 Mkii in October last year, and I am having this exact issue. I am a horse racing photographer and while its a super camera, its putting me under major pressure because a few times now, its jammed at the worst possible time. The on...