Good day,I'm hoping somebody may be able to help, I've got a canon 5d Mk II, my old faithful. It won't fully turn on.- The back screen turns on, but no information is displayed. The top LCD and inside the viewfinder has nothing.- I can cycle the shut...
There is absolutely nothing in the viewfinder.I have tried with a Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM and a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM.Tried both with an without CF card, and lens, same result. Back LCD comes on, but just black pixels. Nothing visable. Can ...
I have, it will turn "on" but it's just black pixels. Same as with the menu, review buttons. Good news is, I found my spare battery in a random bin (I was certain it was with my in-laws). It's charging, so will try that shortly.