Just doing some test movie footage, I find there is some speckling in the shots.My settings are:RAW+LISO 100F5.61/50Sharpness 2Contrast -3Sat - 2ColTone 0I am using a Neutral density filter.Any tips to eradicate this?ThanksMik...
Hello, nice to be here.When in movie mode is it possible to look through the viewfinder instead of liveview?I'm having real problems on sunny days with screen reflection.Is there a way of dealing with this?ThanksMike
ThanksCanon 650 dKit lenseSettings as first post.Win 7 64SD card into internal reader. It appears to be a camera user issue (me!) rather than a pc one. Thanks,Mike
Thanks Tim.A bit rich for my blood, I've gone for a cheapohttp://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00E9C0Y5G/ref=pe_385721_37986871_TE_itemI also ordered some LCD screen protectors just in case.ThanksMike