OK, so I have not pulled mine apart that far, but I am good with a challenge. I have an engagement early in the morning and need to get off to bed, so I will try and see what I can figure out after activities tomorrow and get back to you.
Another relatively inexpensive option to consider is extension tubes. Adding an extension tube between the camera and the lens you already have will reduce the close focus distance and increase the magnification your current lens can achieve with mi...
I realize nobody has responded to this in many months since posting, but here is part of the answer. The IATA has restrictions that apply to Lithium-containing batteries (a hazardous cargo) which currently provides guidance for 2025 / requirements f...
Ramsden,A few separate (but always inter-related) topics going on there. First, exposure is setting your shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to get an image that provides the best use of the dynamic range of your camera sensor so that you don't capture...
Good information already provided on using what you have today -- a great place to start. I would just add a consideration if you think that you might do more studio or location portrait work in the future. Canon speedlites are great tools for work o...