So, my question is: Has this issue been addressed for NEW issues of this model? I am strongly interested in purchasing these, but would like to know if there were revisions that will prevent the stickiness from forming in the first place.
Well that's a much better response than what was previously given, simply saying 'no'.... We, as high-end consumers don't go for 'no'.... ***** But Canon, if you're listening: AT LEAST OFFER THE UPGRADE AS A PAID-FOR OPTION..... for a reasonable...
Steven, and others: write a review on the camera on the page: Include all the good stuff about camera, but also your disappointment about lack of ...
Yes, we need to get the push for this going..... according to what the rep told me over the phone about a month ago, Canon has NOT yet decided that they will refuse to do such an update.... I questioned her 3 times on that, and she 'assured' me...
"The alternative EOS 1DC is offered as the video equivalent of the EOS 1DX, " .... it's not a direct alternative; it's the 4k alternative, that also costs about twice as much.....there's no reason why the 1DX should not have clean HDMI output......